Who we are

InHealth Associates is a network of specialists in patient-centred improvement, patient and public engagement and patient leadership. We want patients, service users, carers, communities and citizens to work in true partnership with professionals and healthcare organisations.

We are highly experienced practitioners who work with local (acute, primary, specialist) providers, commissioners, the voluntary sector and national and international agencies. We undertake small and large scale programmes that span service delivery, research and education and training.

We came together out of a shared belief that traditional forms of engagement – based on ‘feedback’ and ‘representative’ mechanisms – are largely ineffective and unfit for purpose in the current healthcare world. Our vision is of an improved and equitable healthcare system built on the firm foundations of true partnership and equal relationships.

We are pioneers of Patient Leadership – enabling people affected by life-changing illness, injury or disability to be true partners in change and improvement.

This means we ensure that the work:

  • Has an impact on quality of services, patients’ experiences, outcomes and health and wellbeing
  • Is embedded – that becomes part of everyday practice and the cultures and systems of organisations
  • Is supported – we ensure that patients and professionals have the capability and capacity to do the work

We believe that patients can help. Our mission is to develop new and better ways of working between patients and healthcare staff and communities and organisations. In a cash-strapped healthcare system that needs to change how it works, and is developing new models of care, patients can help lead the way.

The benefits of having patients as partners for improvement and change include:
  • Richer insight into health and healthcare challenges
  • Generating solutions
  • Changing relationships and conversations
  • Benefits for those taking part (staff and patients)
  • Better quality decision-making
  • Improvements in practice
  • Spread and sustainability of healthcare improvements
  • We practice what we preach. We seek high quality relationships with clients and co-production with patients and professionals in our projects.