inhealth service

Learning & Development

We offer groundbreaking Patient Leadership programmes, and can help boost your organisation with bespoke workshops and support.

Core programmes

Foundations of Patient Leadership 

Booking now
4 weekly sessions of 3 hours 
This programme lays the foundations for understanding patient leadership. It leads you through the principles of patient leadership, what it is and where it came from, the qualities of an effective patient leader, support needed and models of embedded patient leadership. For patients, users, carers and staff (clinical, managerial).

Patient Leadership in Practice 

Coming soon
6 monthly sessions of 4 hours 
This programme builds understanding of patient leadership relevant to your role. Through a mixture of taught material, interactive discussion focused on current issues, action learning and ongoing support, you will be able to influence change more easily through collaboration and help embed patient leadership in everyday practice. For patients, users, carers and staff (clinical, managerial).

Bespoke programmes

In-house programmes

We run in-house programmes – the Foundations course or the Applied – tailored to your needs. This can be for patients, users and carers and/or for staff. We specialise in shared learning where multi-disciplinary teams reflect on patient leadership together and co-produce the culture, systems and processes to embed patient leadership. These programmes can also be aligned with advice and support.

Executive events

We often provide one-off sessions or presentations at events or to Boards and senior leaders about the principles and benefits of patient leadership.

Individual support and mentoring

Your staff may be committed to shared decision-making or engagement. But you want to go further and make sure there is universal capability and capacity to do so. Your teams may want to shift how they work to be more patient-centred, but are wondering how to go beyond tick-box methods. Your managers and top leaders may not yet understand the revolutionary benefits of patient leadership over traditional forms of engagement.

Workshops & webinars

In addition to our more formal programmes, from time to time we also offer focused workshops and webinars revolving around a specific topic.

Story Telling - Beyond the Compassion Rush (SH)

Not currently scheduled
Running at a time more suitable for those in the Southern Hemisphere, this interactive workshop explores the art of story-telling for impact. It will provide tools to move beyond ‘making people cry’ and help you build the foundation for ongoing patient leadership – the art of bringing one’s jewels of wisdom and insight from the caves of suffering in order to influence change.

Story Telling - Beyond the Compassion Rush

Not currently scheduled
This interactive workshop explores the art of story-telling for impact. It will provide tools to move beyond ‘making people cry’ and help you build the foundation for ongoing patient leadership – the art of bringing one’s jewels of wisdom and insight from the caves of suffering in order to influence change.
Contact us to discuss your learning and development needs further